Family Spine Exercises

For those suffering from chronic back pain or spine related conditions, it can seem like a long time between treatments, and sometimes a never ending search for the right solution.

In order to manage and minimise pain related to the spine it is vital to strengthen the muscles that hold the spine straight and upright.

We have put together a number of simple exercises that you can do every day with your family or in the work place to help reinforce the vital muscles in your back.

These exercises can be easily followed and repeated. Please remember the following when you are performing your exercise:

  • Pain other than the region specified, should be a clear indication to stop and attempt to consult with your health care professional.
  • If you are unsure of any instructions please consult with your health care provider and request an in clinic demonstration.
  • The use of any equipment should be done safely and with care. It is your responsibility to ensure all bands are secured safely to avoid injury.


  1. Cross Crawl

    How to do the exercise

    Kneel on all fours, hips shoulder width apart and knees hip width apart. Draw your belly inwards towards your spine. At the same time extend one leg behind you and the opposite arm in front of you. All whilst minimising movement at your hips and pelvis. Remember to relax your neck and keep your stomach flat. Repeat the action as directed.


    Repetitions: 12
    Sets: 3
    Frequency (per day): 1

     1        2

  2. Bridge Bilateral Legs
    How to do the exercise

    Begin on your back, palms facing upwards by your side. Bend both your knees keeping them hip width apart. Then draw in your stomach muscles and lift your hips and pelvis off the ground. Hold this for the prescribed time and / or repeat as prescribed.


    Repetitions: 12
    Sets: 3
    Frequency (per day): 1

    3       4

  3. Cross Supermans

    How to do the exercise

    Lying face down, extend your arms out in front of you. Slowly lift your one arm and your opposite leg off the ground extending your spine. Hold for 2-3 seconds, then relax. Then swap over and do the other arm and leg. Repeat as prescribed.


    Repetitions: 12
    Sets: 3
    Frequency (per day): 1


  4. Spine Extension – Superman

    How to do the exercise

    Lying face down, extend your arms out in front of you. Slowly lift your legs and arms off the ground, extending your spine. Hold for 2 seconds, then relax. Repeat as prescribed.


    Repetitions: 12
    Sets: 3
    Frequency (per day): 1


  5. Deadlift

    How to do the exercise

    Begin standing with the dumbbells or weight by your side and your feet hip width apart. Bend your knees whilst leaning forward through your hips without bending your spine. Keep your chest out and use your leg muscles to begin straightening up, pushing through your heels. Repeat as prescribed.


    Repetitions: 12
    Sets: 3
    Frequency (per day): 1


  6. Bridge

    How to do the exercise

    Lying on your right side, bend your elbow and prop yourself up, leaning on your forearm. Keeping your feet together, lift your hips off the ground and try to keep your body in a straight line. Attempt to draw in your belly or stomach so that it is taught. Hold this position as long as prescribed.


    Duration: 30 seconds
    Sets: 3
    Frequency (per day): 3


  7. Plank

    How to do the exercise

    Lying face down, prop yourself up onto your forearms and feet as shown. Keep your arms shoulder width apart and keep looking downwards. Drawing your belly towards your spine, lift your pelvis off the ground, supporting your weight. Hold this position as long as prescribed.


    Duration: 30 seconds
    Sets: 3
    Frequency (per day): 3

    10       12

  8. Leg Raise – Bilateral

    How to do the exercise

    Lie on your back with your arms by your side and your palms facing up. Tuck your belly in, drawing your spine gently to the ground. Start with slowly raising your legs up and stop where it is comfortable. Relax and go back to the start position. Repeat as prescribed. If you feel any tingling, numbness or pain please consult with your therapist.


    Repetitions: 12
    Sets: 3
    Frequency (per day): 1


Pain Management & the Spine
How does your body react to physical activity?

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