What is meditation?

Meditation is the means of transforming the mind. It’s a practice of contemplation and mental focus, with the aim of achieving deep relaxation and higher consciousness. By engaging with a particular meditation practice, you learn specific patterns of thinking, helping you to cultivate not only a positive state of mind, but a balanced way of being.

There are many different types of meditation, some of which are highly spiritual (e.g. Buddist meditation), while others are grounded in psychology and science (e.g. mindfulness meditation). A common misconception is that meditation provides immediate relaxation and mental reprieve. Deep relaxation is a key aim of meditation, but it requires hard work, patience, and sometimes the frustration of a wandering mind, to get there!

How we help

At 3Ways, we believe that meditation is beneficial for everyone! Whether you’re a busy corporate, working mum or professional athlete, it’s important to take time out for yourself, to just “be”. Becoming mindful of your thought patterns and working towards a greater sense of clarity and calm assists in managing stress and anxiety, balancing your general wellbeing.

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