Nature versus nurture

A history of spinal problems within the family doesn’t necessarily mean that you or your children will develop them. However, some conditions that cause back pain are hereditary, and require early detection.

Some structural abnormalities and degenerative processes to be aware of include:

  • Spondylosis
  • Scoliosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteopenia
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

The same goes for the presence of mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety. If these conditions are present in your family, there’s a 31–42% you could develop them (Sullivan, Neale, Kendler 2000). Additionally, if you’re prone to anxiety or depression, you are more likely to suffer from back pain (Holmes, Christelis, Arnold 2012).

When it comes to spinal problems, we can’t place the blame entirely on our genetics. Many back issues are a result of lifestyle choices, daily habits and the amount of stress we place on our bodies. This can be in direct relation to the habits and lifestyles we are taught (Linton 2007). Many conditions causing back pain are not passed on through genetics, but through learned lifestyle choices. For example:

  • Obesity
  • Inactivity and lack of exercise
  • Poor diet that can lead to nutrient deficiency, causing back pain later on in life

How we help

To reduce the risk of spinal problems, it’s crucial to eat a healthy, balanced diet; focus on maintaining proper posture; and exercise on a regular basis. At 3Ways, we target all three aspects of our triad of health model: physical, mental and nutritional. By doing so, we aim to balance the three biggest areas affecting your overall health.

Early detection is vital in many hereditary conditions, in order to minimise, prevent or effectively manage pain. An initial consultation at 3Ways will help diagnose any problems you might have. We can then develop an effective program for managing and minimising pain.

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